Trachycarpus Fortunei (Himalayan Fan Palm)

TC07 Himalayan Palm



This is a very hardy species that will survive temperatures to -15C, it requires a sunny location with wind protection.

Trachycarpus Wagnerianus (Waggy)




A very hardy species that will survive temperatures to -15C and a sunny location, but will tolerate stronger winds due to its more compact stiff leaves. 

Chamaerops Humilis (European Fan Palm)




This species of palms will tolerate temperatures to -10C and will withstand strong winds, planted in sunny locations in well-drained soil.

Brahea Armata (Mexican Blue Palm)

This palm needs a bit more protection from winds and cold temperatures and should be placed in full sun not as hardy as the above palms so will need protection in severe winters.


If planting your palm tree in your garden, select a suitable location; this should be a sunny, sheltered position in well-drained soil.

Dig a hole twice the size as the pot that your palm tree was purchased in.

Fill the bottom of the hole with a good quality multi-purpose compost and mix in some slow release fertilizer.

Carefully without disturbing the root ball remove the palm tree from its pot and position into the hole. Back fill the hole with more compost, soil and fertilizer and firm your tree into the ground. We recommend 4g of fertilizer to 1ltr of compost.

If planting your tree into a container select one that is larger than the pot the tree was purchased in and follow the instructions above.

looking after your palm tree
palms otside in the garden
palms in the garden


Ensure that in the first year of planting outside that you do not allow your palm tree to dry out in hot, dry weather.

Once the roots have established themselves they will find their own water supply; generally, this will happen after the first summer of being planted. The tree should be kept moist, not waterlogged.

If your tree is planted in a container inside or outside, the tree must be kept moist. Again do not allow the tree to become waterlogged.

Outside potted trees should not be allowed to freeze, either protect them or bring them indoors if possible.


Potted trees will need to be repotted when they grow too large for their existing pot. We recommend this is done in early spring.

Each spring is also a good time to feed your potted trees; remove the top 5cm of soil and replace with compost and slow release fertilizer. This procedure can also be done to outside planted trees.


During severe winters some of the less hardy palms we supply might require protection from the elements. We recommend you loosely tie the leaves into bundles and wrap with horticultural fleece to protect the growing bud.

Do not allow the leaves to become waterlogged as they will rot. Check every few days and release the bundle of leaves, if needed, to dry them and then protect again.

Remove dead leaves at the base and remove flowers when dead.


We supply a mix of slow release fertilizers that we use in our own nursery which the palm trees have been brought on with throughout their time with us. We also supply winter protection for your palms, please contact us at

Thank you for purchasing your palm from Palms UK. Whilst this information is provided in good faith and with the best intention we regret plants cannot be guaranteed in anyway nor can responsibility be accepted for inaccuracies contained in this information.

Help your palm to thrive with our Palm Fertiliser mix...